1.     Prolonged storage of garments/fabrics. To prevent carpet beetle, cloth moth and other fabric insect damage, avoid prolonged storage of unused garments, bedding, any fur or animal pelts, old wool rugs, or upholstered furniture.
2.     Food storage areas. Keep kitchen cabinets, pantry areas and other food storage areas clean and remove crumbs or food particles, as exposed food attracts insects. Use older products before newer ones, and opened packages first.

3.     When purchasing packaged food, be certain containers are sealed. Check the packaging date. Packages with clear plastic or wax paper coverings should be checked for food-infesting moth larva and other insects.

4.     Improper food storage practices. Store dried foods in insect proof containers such as screw top glass, heavy plastic, or metal containers. This prevents entry or escape of Indian Meal Moths and other pantry pests.

5.     Purchase dried food in packages that can be used up in a short time. With families of our own, we realize the benefits to purchasing in bulk, however, whenever possible keep foods in dry storage less than 2 to 4 months.

6.     Broken basement windows, warped doors, holes in the foundation, or unscreened vents. These are invasion routes for mice, rats and even squirrels. Close bulkhead doors tightly. Cover vents with metal grillwork, backed by rust resistant screening.

7.     Trash containers clean, covered, and lined with plastic trash bags. Keep trash containers clean, covered, and lined with plastic trash bags to reduce this food source for cockroaches and rodents.

8.     Pet food unsealed or left out overnight. Indian Meal Moths and other pantry pests will infest pet and bird food if left accessible. Keep pet and bird food sealed and unavailable to these pests. Rats and Mice will also feed on pet and bird foods.